Service Schedule |
Evening Services: At 425 Madison Forest Drive. Herndon, 20170. 7:00pm
Rosh Hashana Community Dinner: 7:30pm
Morning Service at Hidden Creek Country Club.1711 Clubhouse Rd, Reston, VA 20190 : 8:30am
Children & Youth Program: 10-12
Shofar Sounding: 10:30am
Evening Services: at 425 Madison Forest Drive. Herndon 20170: 7:30pm
Morning Service at Hidden Creek Country Club.1711 Clubhouse Rd, Reston, VA 20190: 8:30am
Children & Youth Program: 10-12
Shofar Sounding: 10:30am
Hidden Creek Country Club.1711 Clubhouse Rd, Reston, VA 20190. Kol Nidrei: 6:30pm
Morning Service at Hidden Creek Country Club. 1711 Clubhouse Rd, Reston, VA 20190: 8:30am
Yizkor Musaf Service/ 11:30
Children & Youth Program: 10-12
Mincha/Neilla Service: 5:00pm |
Seat Reservations |
Welcome to high holiday with Chabad. Services are conducted in English and Hebrew, with simultaneous insights and explanations into the prayers, practices & rituals. The melodies are timeless. The people are friendly. And everyone feels at home. Where we already saved you a seat.
Special children’s holiday program & service.
Advanced RSVP recommended.
Although we offer our services to the community without asking for anything in return, our programs are costly, and our sustainability is due to friends right here in our community whose contributions throughout the year and during the Holiday season allow us to help so many.
Please consider joining our special circle of supporters with a starting donation of $100 per seat. Or alternatively choose to participate in one of our High Holiday sponsorship opportunities listed below, seat donation for your family will be included. May G‑d bless you and yours with all that is good.
Kids & Youth
Program |
Led by our experienced and energetic group leaders, we will provide a fun and educational programs for your children while you attend services. Each group will enjoy age appropriate games, stories, discussions, prayers and songs.
Tashlich Service |
In the late afternoon of Rosh Hashana, the entire community joins together in a proud processional for the observance of tashlich. Representing the themes of renewal and rejuvenation, this tradition also has a way of demonstrating a spirit of communal solidarity as young and old march and sing together while en route to perform a fascinating mitzvah. |
Holiday Non Appeal |
Throughout our long history, our synagogues and community institutions survived because supporters like yourself understood just how important these sacred institutions were, to themselves, their families, and to their community. Sharing from that which G‑d shared with them, the entire community was blessed, and as such so were they!
At Chabad, survival is an even greater challenge. And this year it is doubly so.
We believe in an open-door policy, where everyone is welcome regardless of affiliation, background or financial status. As you may know we do not receive funding from any central organization or dues, our ability to operate comes directly from local voluntary funding and support from friends like you. Together we have shared the beauty of our heritage with so many, yet there is much more that can be done!
Please consider partnering in our holy work today. Please click HERE or below to make a pre Yom Kippur contribution towards our sacred efforts.
Holiday Guide |
Further Reading |
The High Holidays is a time when we reflect the past year, and affirm our membership for the incoming year in the Jewish nation. Take a few moments and read some interesting and new handpicked High Holiday features from our site. You'll find something to share with your family, and perhaps gain a new perspective on the high holidays.