TORCH-hebrewreading1-2-10_cart.jpg Reading the Hebrew language is one the most important elements of advancing one’s Jewish involvement.

Whether it’s the desire to pray in the original, read the Torah as it was dictated by G‑d, or to read the many Jewish works that have not been translated, many people are looking to expand their horizons with the ability to read the holy tongue.

 It is in response to this need that Chabad will be offering a crash course on Hebrew reading this fall. It will be an 8 part series, each class lasting for about 1 hour. The course will be taught  at Chabad.

 The cost for the complete course is $50, which covers all materials and textbooks. The course is targeted at beginners and those who wish to brush up on their reading.

Please email
[email protected] if you are interested in this course.