Jewish Women Talk About Love
A 6 week course designed to add meaning to your relationships, marriage, and love.
This course will be held in a small group setting, to allow for a comfortable and safeplace to learn Jewish wisdom on how to grow and deepen our intimacy and relationships.
Join our conversation exploring the topics below:
Achieving joyful intimacy
Two halves of a whole
Bringing passion into our relationships
Understanding the secrets of the Mikvah
The sacred and the sensual
Power of the feminine soul
Spring Semester will be offered on zoom.
Begins the week of May 11th.
6 Wednesday evenings 7:30 - 9 pm
Location: Virtually, zoom link will be emailed upon registration
Cost: $65 for the course.
Facilitator: Nechamie Fajnland
Why should I take this course?
A good marriage can become a great marriage and a great marriage can become even better! Love and intimacy form a large component of our daily living. Judaism has so much to offer about all areas in our life and particularly about this cornerstone in human relationships. There are many unknowns and misconceptions that people have about the Jewish view on love and intimacy and this course offers an opportunity to ask questions and gain understanding and appreciation for what the Torah considers one
of its most important Mitzvot. In addition, when these topics are discussed with other women it helps us gain a deeper understanding of our role in Judaism as modern women today.
How will this course enhance my (view of) marriage/relationships?
This course will give you a new perspective and an in depth understanding of the purpose of intimacy and how to achieve a deeper and more soulful connection with your spouse. We will learn about the impact of emotional and psychological intimacy on our marriage and how to tune in to create more passion in our lives. The women who have attended previous courses have said that learning Judaism's insights about this has absolutely brought more joy and love into their relationship. Come try it
and experience it for yourself!
What happens if I'm unable to attend one of the classes?
We encourage participants to attend as many of the classes as possible since each class builds on the prior class. However, in the event that you need to miss a class, a recording of the class can be arranged. Additionally, I'd be happy to touch base with you during the week to fill you in on what you missed.
How long is this course?
This course is 6 weeks long, one evening per week for about 1.5 hours. At the end of the course you will have an opportunity to tour a real Mikvah and see firsthand what this all about.
I'm not sure I will feel comfortable attending. Will I need to share anything personal?
No, you will not need to share anything personal at any point in the class. Some women come to listen, others prefer to share a bit, and others may have questions. Any of these work! You will never be asked to share anything about your life or marriage, and all questions and comments are welcome in our discussion. Please feel free to ask questions if you'd like, and you can also email questions to me in advance of the classes.
What is the target age for the women participating?
There is no target age for this course! Any woman currently in, or planning/hoping to be in a serious relationship or marriage should feel welcome to join. Women of all ages have felt that the course was relevant to them and their relationship.
Does this course also have any benefit in my role as a parent/teacher?
For those who have children in their teens and for those with adult children who are becoming involved in serious relationships this course offers you insight and perspective on how to guide them and answer questions about creating relationships with a strong and loving foundation, a deep level of intimacy and connection. We guide our children on best practices for all parts of their life and guiding them in the Jewish view of relationships is one of great importance and impact.
Are there any books I can read to help supplement the material learned in this course?
Yes. During the classes I will refer books, websites, and videos that you can consider purchasing/viewing to complement and enhance your learning experience.