
Decoding the Talmud

  • Dear Lover of Learning,

    Have you ever heard of the Talmud? I'm sure you have! But have you ever experienced the thrill of it firsthand? Have you ever wanted to journey with the sages of yesteryear, some of them perhaps your own grandparents, who spent their days and nights deciphering its mysteries, but found its logic and ancient Aramaic language a barrier? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, despite being one of the most important texts in Judaism, many struggle to understand what the Talmud really is.

    I am thrilled to present a brand-new course, Decoding the Talmud. Join me, and you’ll learn the Talmud like you never have before. We will explore the historical context of its creation and its key figures. And we’ll even learn some Talmud together so you can see how Talmud is structured from the inside. This is an amazing opportunity. 

    I’m excited to invite you to join us on this journey of discovery.

    Email me with any questions. I want you to enjoy this opportunity, let me help you make this work.

    Rabbi Leibel 

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