

Women Ignite
An evening of creativity and connection celebrating the power of women and Shabbat
Thursday, January 14 at 7:30 pm

Join us from the comfort of your home for a fun, crafty, and uplifting experience. 
A package of supplies will be available for pickup with registration at a few locations in the Reston-Herndon area. 
Included are candle stick decorating materials to be used during the event and a beautiful Shabbat starter package.
A fascinating presentation on how woman can make the Shabbat a day of rejuvenation.  

RSVP by January 4 and receive the zoom link.

Cover charge $18.
Evening sponsorship $54 in honor of a strong woman in your life.
Please email us her name at [email protected] and we will highlight her at the event.

Invite a new (to Chabad) friend to register and be entered into a raffle for exquisite Safed Shabbat candles.  Please let us know!

A joint project of Chabad of Reston-Herndon

and Hadassah of Northern Virginia

  Donor Info:

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