
Unfazed - an evening of stories, song, and empowerment

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    UNFAZED - an evening of stories, song, and empowerment. 

    This Monday, June 14th, communities from around the world will be joining together for a powerful evening to honor the life and teachings of the Rebbe .

    Experience a fascinating discussion on the themes of resilience and self-empowerment. Globally influential personalities challenged by adversity will share their personal journey towards finding meaning. 

    Hear and learn lessons of resilience and self empowerment from the life and teachings of theRebbe . If there’s one person we want to learn from, it's the Rebbe !

    Special musical presentation. 

    We are offering this program free of charge as part of our ongoing efforts to inspire and uplift our community.

    If you would like to join in our efforts by helping us with a sponsorship, Gd bless you. You may do so at the bottom of this form. 

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Roni & Beverly Ledani

Nathan & Alexandra Marbukh

Jonathan Meola

Eva Goldstein

Alex Pilotti

Art Rosenberg
