Honoring the yahrzeit of a loved one is a long-standing and wonderful Jewish tradition.
Traditionally, we observe these dates for parents, spouses, siblings, and children, although a yahrzeit may also be observed for any relative or friend that one feels especially close to. The traditional manner of observing yahrzeit involves several rituals: saying the Mourners’ Kaddish on the day of yahrzeit, lighting a yahrzeit (twenty-four hour) candle in one's home the evening that the yahrzeit begins, making a donation to a charity in memory of the deceased, having an aliyah close to
the date of a yahrzeit, and in some traditions fasting on the yahrzeit for a parent who passed away.
Now you can honor and eternalize your loved one with a yahrzeit memorial plaque as well.
This bronze plaque engraved with the name of your loved one, will be affixed upon our new Tree of Life Memorial Board, and will hang prominently at Chabad. It will serve as an eternal merit, the name of your dear departed forever linked with the holy words of Torah study and prayer that will surround them.
A memorial bulb aside their name will be lit during the month of the yahrtzeit, and during all Yizkor days as well.
The cost (payable in instalments) for a bronze memorial plaque is $500.00.
Additionally, you may choose to sponsor one of the two eternal flames that grace each side of the memorial board. One flame in memory of the Six Million who perished in the holocaust, and the other in memory of the men and women who have fallen protecting liberty here, abroad, and in our Holy Land. Your family name will be engraved at the base of the flame. The sponsorship per flame is $3,600.
May the memory of your loved ones be an eternal blessing for you and your family.
The beautiful Chabad Tree of Life Memorial Board is reverently dedicated by Yehudit Gerrig and her children Aylon
and Ariella, in honor of their late husband and father, Mr. Dan Gerrig OBM.
Dan was a dear friend to so many here at Chabad, and across our community. We are honored to eternalize his memory in our holy sanctuary. We pray that this Mitzvah serve as an eternal merit for his Neshama, and for his family.