
Shavuot Deserts & Torah Study

  • Shavuot TED Talks - Ideas Worth Spreading.

    Powerful Torah talks, Inspirational life stories, and Jewish humor,  presented by our very own community members.

    Tuesday, June 11, 7:30pm.

    Enjoy coffee, wine, and desserts.

    Presentations by Mr. Mayer Rubin. Mr. & Mrs. Kalmann. Mrs. Jean Meltzer. Mr. Jon Baker. Mrs. Irina Galperen. Rabbi Leibel Fajnland.

    10 minute presentations, designed to inspire and educate on. Judaism, Jewish life, Jewish Values, and Jewish Community.

    Fee: Gratis.
    Sponsorships available.

    Sponsor - $18. Patron -$54. Host - $118.

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Roni & Beverly Ledani

Nathan & Alexandra Marbukh

Jonathan Meola

Eva Goldstein

Alex Pilotti

Art Rosenberg
