
Lulav & Etrog

  • One of the very important Mitzvot of the Holiday of Sukkos, is the Mitzvah of the Lulav  & Esrog (The Four Kinds). We are pleased to make this beautiful Mitzvah available to our community.

    Chabad is offering a special opportunity of ordering your own Lulav  & Etrog set from the Holy Land of Israel. These sets will be available to order for only $45.00 per set. $54 for a deluxe set.

    It is an important and beautiful custom for each family to have their own set for Sukkot, if the cost is an issue please email  [email protected] , and we'll help you make it happen. 

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Roni & Beverly Ledani

Nathan & Alexandra Marbukh

Jonathan Meola

Eva Goldstein

Alex Pilotti

Art Rosenberg