Chocolate Gelt Drop
Celebrate Chanukah
Outdoors and in the lights.
Sun day, December 18. 4:00pm
Come with your family and friends
as we light up the night.
Special Menorah lighting with government dignitaries.
Collect as much chocolate gelt as you can as it rains down from the ladder and bucket a firetruck, meet the firefighters as we honor their service, enjoy delicious doughnuts, latkes, donuts, chanukah story trail,
music and more!
Open to all, free of charge!
You can help sponsor this event, or our many other holiday
outreach & events by choosing a sponsorship below, or by making a gift in the amount of your choosing!
may G-d bless you and yours. Thank you for helping us bring holiday cheer and inclusiveness to all.
Dreidel Sponsor $50.
Menorah Sponsor $100.
Maccabee $180.